The Eastern Partnership
The Eastern Partnership (EaP) was launched in 2009 as a joint policy initiative to deepen and strengthen relations between the European Union (EU), its Member States and its five Eastern neighbours: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine.
In 2019, as the partnership marked its 10th anniversary, the European Commission carried out a broad and inclusive consultation to define the future policy objectives. The EU-EaP policy commitment to a strong digital presence in the EU’s Eastern Neighbourhood was renewed in 2020. The EU4Digital initiative aims to extend the EU’s Digital Single Market to the Eastern Partner states, developing the potential of the digital economy and society, in order to bring economic growth, generate jobs, and improve people’s lives.
Why the conference?
Eastern Partnership E-infrastructures Conferences are organised by the EaPConnect project.
EaPConnect (Eastern Partnership Connect) is an EU-funded project within the EU4Digital initiative. It is establishing and operating a high-capacity broadband Internet network and services for research and education across the Eastern Partnership (EaP) countries. EaPEC conferences serve as a platform for collaboration on policy and research and support community building in e-Infrastructures between the Eastern Partnership region and the EU member states..