Ara Ghazaryan


Technical Co-founder and Chief Data Scientist of Scylla, Ara holds a PhD degree in Optics and Molecular Physics. Over the course of 9 years, he was a postdoctoral researcher at Munich Technical University, Pusan National University, and National Taiwan University. Being a physics guy with a background in optics and imaging techniques, he faced the problem of image analysis very early in his career. In National Taiwan University, where he first built and consequently utilised optical systems that were aimed to address some biomedical diagnostic problems, the main challenge was to first learn how to distinguish images corresponding to pathogenic tissue samples or quantify compounds based on their optical features, followed by the even more challenging task of teaching the computer to do it automatically and (as it turned out) even better than a human could do. All this experience, later on, came in handy for developing a sophisticated state-of-the-art Computer Vision-based security suite called Scylla.