Shakir Nagiyev, Institute of Physics of ANAS, Azerbaijan

Big Data and HPC

In 1996-2003, Shakir Nagiyev cooperated with the State Commission on Student Admission (SCSA). He was a member of the expert council of the SCSA on physics and member of the Expert Council of the High Attestation Commission under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan on physical sciences in 2003-2009. In 2009-2015, he was a member of the Dissertation Council operating under Baku State University. Currently, he is a member of the Dissertation Council operating under the Institute of Physics, a member of the Scientific Council of the Institute of Physics, the chairman of the Scientific seminar under the Dissertation Council and a member of the editorial boards of the scientific journals “Physics” and “News” (physics and astronomy series) of ANAS. He is also a member of the International Scientific Council of Joint İnstitute for Nuclear Research and the Group Leader of Azerbaijani scientists in the ATLAS Experiment at CERN (Geneva, Switzerland).